Time is
flying by, and I have let a few weeks slip by before writing this. I am going to do my best to recap!
Dates: June 19th-26th
Easton was born on the Wednesday the 19th and we came home on the Thursday the 20th. See the previous posts for his birth story and time in the hospital.
First Day at Home |
On Friday, Daniel and I gave Easton his first little bath at home. Daniel's mom came over and Daniel and his dad took on a project in our house. Our microwave had stopped working (a small microwave I had bought for college) so off they went to Home Depot. They were able to install this microwave above our stove, which made SO much space on our counter. Ms. Tracy made us chicken enchilada casserole for dinner and Ms. Christy brought over goodies from our church.
First Bath |
On Saturday, Easton had his first doctor appointment. Since our pediatrician was out of town (she did get to examine him at the hospital), we saw the other pediatrician at their office. He was so nice. Easton had dropped 13oz and was down to 7 lbs. He said this was normal and to come in one day the next week for a weight check. Everything looked great and we were on our way.
1st Doctor Visit |
Look at those legs! |
Chase and Stephanie dropped by to bring us lunch and see little Easton. Later, Uncle Robby, Aunt Nancy, and Rachel came to see him and my parents dropped by after their anniversary day trip. (Happy Anniversary! ~ of course they had already gotten their anniversary present - their first grandchild! :-)
Stephanie and Chase |
Sweet Boy |
Rachel (my cousin) |
My Uncle Robby and Aunt Nancy |
My proud dad with his grandson |
On Sunday, Daniel's mom came over and brought lunch and Celinda from church brought dinner later. Daniel went and spent a little time with his dad at the cabin. His parents had come into town for a couple of weeks, but were going to be different places for the rest of the week. We also took Easton on his first walk.
Loves to stretch those legs out! |
First Walk |
On Monday, my mom and Mariah came over and helped clean the house a little. My grandmother came to visit and brought us a yummy dinner.
Easton's great-grandmother |
On Tuesday, my mom and I took Easton for his newborn pictures. This was the first day we had really gotten out with him other than his doctor appointment. Boy was it a day! I had no idea how hard it was to get newborn pictures! Little did I know that they had to be SOUND asleep to get him to cooperate. Our appointment was at 10:30 and at 11:45 we took our first picture. We tried everything in the books to get him to sleep (so we thought), and finally thought to swaddle him for a picture and it went from there. Three hours later we had some adorable pictures! Then it was lunch at Five Guys and a trip to my work to take his insurance forms. It was raining, so I didn't take him in but a few co-workers came out to the car to see him. Eva from church made us dinner and Ryan and Dana came over to see him after dinner. See the next post for more newborn pictures!
One of Easton's poses for his newborn pics |
On Wednesday, Pastor Jeff and Candi came over to meet Easton and pray for him. My mom came and helped around the house some, and later my grandparents stopped by to see him. Baileigh brought us a delicious dinner. We have been spoiled with dinners!
Easton and Mammy |
Me, Baileigh, and Easton |
One Week Old! |
What we used this week: Newborn diapers and onesies, gowns with hand covers, swaddle blankets, fisher price rock'n sleeper, nuk pacifiers, pack n play with changer and bassinet, boppy
He sleeps in the fisher price rock'n sleeper every night and moved to his room after the first few nights.
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