We are having a baby!
Hopefully this will give me great reason to make time to blog. I would love to have the blog to look back on and remember everything from our pregnancy. I am going to try and re-cap everything so far.
Daniel kept telling me he thought I was pregnant because of how differently I had been acting. I wasn't so sure, so even though we had purchased a pregnancy test, I did not take it right away. On November 4th, I finally took it before church and it was positive! I walked out of the bathroom and told Daniel he was going to be a daddy. We were both very excited! Such a strange feeling knowing that you know this, but no one else does.
I made a doctors appointment and went to my first appointment on November 14th. I had just scheduled my yearly appointment at Athens OBGYN and had to call and tell them I was pregnant and needed to change my appointment. Since we were not sure of my conception date, they did a sonogram and confirmed the pregnancy. I got to hear the heart beat at my first appointment and found out that we were already 8 weeks and three days along. They are able to determine this by measuring the length of the baby. This was kind of a surprise. I wasn't expecting to be that far along, but was glad that I wouldn't have to keep the secret for long. I am paranoid about telling people you're pregnant in case something goes wrong. We decided we would wait until as close to the end of the first trimester as we could.
11 weeks |
We tried so hard to wait until after the second appointment to tell anyone, but most of Daniel's family came into town for Thanksgiving and we wanted to tell them in person since we don't see them often. The night before Thanksgiving, we went over to my parents and I had made them all ornaments. My mom's said "Grandma - Est. 2013", dad's said "Grandpa - Est. 2013", Mariah's "Aunt Mariah - Est. 2013", and Olivia's "Aunt Olivia - Est. 2013." I nonchalantly passed them out and said I had found some cute ornaments I had to get them. They all started opening, but dad beat them all. Wish I had videotaped, but was too caught up in the moment! Dad started shouting, and they were all so excited. Olivia was ecstatic. It was a sweet moment. This baby will be my parents' first grandchild, and my mom's parents' first great-grandchild.
The next day we were hanging outside our house with Daniel's family and Daniel made the announcement. Everyone was excited. I finally got to spend time talking to others about the pregnancy. My SILs had lots of questions, and I enjoyed finally talking about it! Daniel's family is constantly growing! The tenth grandchild will be born in the next couple of weeks, and ours will be the 11th. There will be five girls and five boys when ours is born. I can not wait to find out what ours is!!
13 Weeks |
Now for all the highlights:
Due Date: June 24th
Sex: We find out February 6th!
Sickness: I have not been sick at all! From about 8-12 weeks, I was pretty week in the mornings, but that was about it.
Cravings: Mexican, Salsa, food in general. I am having to pack extra snacks for work. It is so hard for me to get full. I feel like I could just eat and eat and eat!
Weight: I have gained six pounds so far. I have had to use a belly band since about 11 weeks. It is great! Since it is winter, I am either wearing dress pants or jeans every day, and I can not get them buttoned! The belly band is a life saver! No maternity clothes yet.
Symptoms: Recently, I have had some rough head aches, sometimes lasting all day. Also, I have had some back pain, probably from the extra weight.
Sleep: No problem there yet, except for the occasional back pain. Daniel got me a boppy pregnancy pillow for Christmas, and I think it is going to be my new best friend!!

More to come! Check back often!
The nursery has begun. We have spent our days off this week reorganizing our whole house!
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